Treasury Management System selection

Knowing what you don’t need can be as important as understanding what you do.
Selecting a TMS is a major investment in money, time and resources. It pays to make sure that you get it right.

Identifying the best system

We’ll help to ensure that you are investing in the system and configuration that most closely meet the needs of your organisation, now and in the future.

The team at Barrington sits across a full range of treasury disciplines including cash, debt, foreign exchange, banking relationships and reporting, giving us the expertise to identify the most appropriate infrastructure to meet the current and future needs of your organisation. Whether you need a cash flow model, foreign exchange portal or a fully functional TMS, we can help.

Defining the scope of your requirements and matching it to your available budget, resources and timing is critical. At Barrington, we are independent, without ties to any system vendor, so you can be confident that we’re not out looking for a buyer for our solution. Instead, we focus on identifying the best solution to meet the specific needs of your organisation.

Protect your investment

Barrington can help to ensure that you are investing in the system and configuration that most closely meet the needs of your organisation, now and into the future by:

Training & Certification

Defining the scope


Identifying a shortlist of appropriate vendors.

Training & Certification

Running the RFP process


From supporting your procurement department to write RFI/RFP documents to running vendor meetings, evaluating offers and selecting the best system to meet your current and future needs.

Training & Certification

Advocating for you


At Barrington, we understand the technical detail around a wide range of system solutions. We can help to ensure both sides of the table are speaking the same language.

Training & Certification

Recommending and negotiating


Barrington can add value to negotiations by applying our deep understanding of both your treasury requirements and the technical scope of a wide range of systems.

Speak to our experienced team for advice on TMS selection